New On-line Lessons

Let go of neck and back pain

Improve posture

Let ease and poise be your constant condition

 Movement and Postural Awareness

With the onset of the Covid pandemic, we have all been learning to adapt and change, while we strive to decrease stress, restore normality and find new purpose to our daily lives. Our new normal involves long periods of sitting in front of a computer, ‘Zooming’.  Eye strain, and neck and shoulder tension are off the charts. Our daily shopping errands may include protective, emotional ‘armoring’, a fearful tension that makes us contract and tighten. The AT provides a means for coming back to yourself, to find mental and emotional center, to let go of physical tension and stress.

The Alexander Technique  (AT) has most often been associated with posture and  coordinated movement. The AT is also a powerful way of learning to take good care of yourself. Through self-observation, you learn to identify when you are using unnecessary effort and tension, and how to choose ease over strain.  AT Teachers are trained to guide you on your path to self-study.

The AT helps us to develop an inner trust, self-reliability.  F.M. Alexander used self-study to cure his chronic vocal problems and gave him ‘the means whereby’- a reliable method to change harmful habits of mind, to cultivate conscious choice, instead of being enslaved to his strong habits.

The advent of on-line teaching offers a return to the focus of self-study, as in the original experiences of the founder, F.M. Alexander.

What to expect from On-Line Alexander Lessons

Your Alexander Movement teacher will teach you how to sit well to reduce chronic neck, back, and shoulder tension, eye strain, and fatigue. You will learn how to stand in balance effortlessly.

  • Good for identifying harmful habits of posture and movement.
  • Good for letting go of unnecessary guarding of an injured part.
  • Good for rehabilitation from a surgery to speed healing and establish healthy ways of using your body.


You will learn how to walk more gracefully and with less effort. You will learn how to bend and reach without stressing your neck and back.  You will begin to apply what you are learning to sitting at your desk, walking, driving your car, or anything you do in your daily life.

  • Good for beginning to learn how to make your desired changes
  • Good for deepening your body awareness
  • Good for relieving chronic pain from poor postural habits at work or play

You will be using yourself with an increased level of awareness and skill. You will continue to practice applying what you learned from your lessons in sitting, standing, walking, bending, reaching, and lifting. You will learn about breathing fully and easily.  You will now have the ability to integrate the principles of the Alexander Technique while doing more complex activities such as playing a musical instrument, riding a horse, riding a bike, or performing on stage.

  • Good for specific performance goals (i.e. music/voice, arts, sports, public speaking)
  • Good for clarifying and deepening  your self-help skills
  • Good for expanding your understanding of your anatomy and physiology

The number of lessons needed to attain your specific goals  varies with the individual. For most people, 10-30 lessons ensures that good posture becomes automatic. You will no longer find slumping and straining comfortable or acceptable. Being more conscious in the moment becomes easier. You never lose the skills learned through AT training. You are on an ever-increasing path to wellness!

“Do you have the patience to wait ’til your mud settles and the water is clear? Can you remain unmoving ’til the right action arises by itself?”
– Lao-Tzu